Monday, September 8, 2014

Is The Bible God's Word, Chapter 3 - The Multiple Bible Versions

I have used ***** section marks to denote quoted text versus commentary.  I hope this helps.  



It will now be easy for us to analyze a Christian's claim about his Holy Book.



Before we scrutinize the various versions, let us clarify our own belief regarding the Books of God. When we say that we believe in the Tauraat, the Zaboor, the Injeel and the Qur'an, what do we really mean? We already know that the Holy Qur'an is the infallible Word of God, revealed to our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhummed Mustapha (Peace be upon him) word for word, through the agency of the Archangel Jibraeel, (known as Gabriel in English), and perfectly preserved and protected from human tampering for the past fourteen hundred years! 1 Even hostile critics of Islam have grudgingly vouched for the purity of the Holy Qur'an: "THERE IS PROBABLY IN THE WORLD NO OTHER BOOK WHICH HAS REMAINED TWELVE CENTURIES (now fourteen) WITH SO PURE A TEXT." — (Sir William Muir)


Christian Response

It is important to break here and not just breeze past the Islamic statement that they already know the Qur’an is the “infallible Word of God”.  As the author here takes a close look at the Christian scripture, it is fair the Islamic scripture also be looked at. 

The Qur’an was assembled over a period of many years after Muhummed died.  Muhummed did not write down his own words, but over a period of over 20 years his followers ‘memorized’ them, so after his death some of them attempted to write them down.  There were many versions, many conflicts, and one collector was able to destroy most of the ‘competitive’ versions.  However, in 1972, construction workers who were restoring the Great Mosque of Sana’a in Yemen found ancient manuscripts turning out to be pages from the Qur’an, many with slightly different text.  This quietly challenges the Islamic belief that the Qur’an is infallible and is a direct copy of the one in heaven with no textual variants as Allah has preserved his word.  However, Islamic apologists quickly “explain away” any issues, including quoted textual changes from those even as far back as Muhummed’s wife Aisha.

Here are some quotes from other than Sir William Muir:

"It is a toilsome reading as I ever undertook, a wearisome, confused jumble, crude, incondite."  Thomas Carlyle, Scottish Scholar

"From the literary point of view, the Koran has little merit. Declamation, repetition, puerility, a lack of logic and coherence strike the unprepared reader at every turn. It is humiliating to the human intellect to think that this mediocre literature has been the subject of innumerable commentaries, and that millions of men are still wasting time absorbing it."  Salomon Reinach, German Scholar

"an incoherent rhapsody of fable, and precept, and declamation, which sometimes crawls in the dust, and sometimes is lost in the clouds."  Edward Gibbon, Historian

"The matter of the Koran is exceedingly incoherent and sententious, the book evidently being without any logical order of thought either as a whole or in its parts. This agrees with the desultory and incidental manner in which it is said to have been delivered."  McClintock and Strong's Encyclopedia

"Unfortunately the Qor'an was badly edited and its contents are very obtusely arranged. All students of the Qor'an wonder why the editors did not use the natural and logical method of ordering by date of revelation..."  Ali Dashti, Muslim Scholar

"disjointed and irregular character"  The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam (a standard Islamic work)

(All of these quotes were taken from pages 108-109 of Robert Morey's "The Islamic Invasion: Confronting the World's Fastest Growing Religion" published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 1992)

So, what did Sir William Muir actually believe?  Here is a direct quote, “MOHAMMEDANISM is perhaps the only undisguised and formidable antagonist of Christianity. From all the varieties of heathen religions Christianity has nothing to fear, for they are but the passive exhibitions of gross darkness which must vanish before the light of the Gospel. But in Islam we have an active and powerful enemy; —a subtle usurper, who has climbed into the throne under pretence of legitimate succession, and seized upon the forces of the crown to supplant its authority. It is just because Mohammedanism acknowledges the divine original, and has borrowed so many of the weapons of Christianity, that it is so dangerous an adversary.”  That quote is from the first paragraph of THE MOHAMMEDAN CONTROVERSY, BIOGRAPHIES OF MOHAMMED, SPRENGER ON TRADITION, THE INDIAN LITURGY, AND THE PSALTER written in 1897. 

For additional reading, you can find etexts of several of his books here:


For a scholarly introduction to where Muhammad sourced the Qur’an from, read The Origins of the Qur'an: An Enquiry into the Sources of Islam, William Goldsack, 1907.


The Tauraat we Muslims believe in is not the "Torah" of the Jews and the Christians, though the words — one Arabic, the other Hebrew — are the same. We believe that whatever the Holy Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) preached to his people, was the revelation from God Almighty, but that Moses was not the author of those "books" attributed to him by the Jews and the Christians. 2
Likewise, we believe that the Zaboor was the revelation of God granted to Hazrat Dawood (David) (Peace be upon him), but that the present Psalms associated with his name are not that revelation. The Christians themselves do not insist that David is the sole author of "his" Psalms.3
1. Whether Muslim or non-Muslim, you do not have lo accept this claim on faith alone. You can verify the fact that Al-Qur'an is the Word of God. See "AL-QURAN- The Miracle of Miracles";
2- More evidence later on — "Moses not the author of the Biblical "Torah."
3.. Later on you’ll read how Christian "Brains Trust" confess — "Author; Principally David, though there are other writers."


Christian Response

Due to many conflicts between the Old & New Testaments and the Qur’an, a follower of Allah has a problem.  They teach that both the Old and New Testament (the ‘gospel’) fully contained God’s word and were perfect at the time of Christ.  It gets a bit fuzzy after that.

There is a scholarly look at what the three Islamic books say about the Bible, here:  As outlined by the author, Abdullah Ibrahim, “The attentive reader is left with a fundamental problem of discrepancy. A number of Biblical teachings (at least as they were believed by some of the prophet's contemporaries) are described as erroneous in the Qur'an. Yet, the Qur'an confirms the Bible to be the unchanged word of God! Surah 4, Nisaa, verse 82, says that the Qur'an is not from God if one finds discrepancies in it! Furthermore, Muslims who say that the Bible is corrupted also contradict their own book.”


What about the Injeel? INJEEL means the "Gospel" or "good news" which Jesus Christ preached during his short ministry. The "Gospel" writers often mention that Jesus going about and preaching the Gospel (the Injeel):
1. "And Jesus went . . . preaching the gospel . . . and healing every disease among the people." (Matthew 9:35)
2. "... but whosoever shall lose his fife for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it." (Mark 8:35)
3. "... preached the gospel. . ." (Luke 20:1)

The "gospel" is a frequently-used word, but what Gospel did Jesus preach? Of the 27 books of the New Testament, only a small fraction can be accepted as the words of Jesus. The Christians boast about the Gospels according to St. Matthew, according to St. Mark, according to St. Luke and according to St. John, but there is not a single Gospel "according" to (St.) Jesus himself! We sincerely believe that everything Christ (May the peace and blessings of God be upon him) preached was from God. That was the Injeel, the good news and the guidance of God for the Children of Israel. In his life-time Jesus never wrote a single word, nor did he instruct anyone to do so. What passes off as the "GOSPELS" today are the works of anonymous hands!
The question before us is: "Do you accept that the Bible is God's Word?" The question is really in the form of a challenge. The questioner is not simply seeking enlightenment. The question is posed in the spirit of a debate. We have every right to demand in a similar vein — "Which Bible are you talking about?, we may ask. "Why, there is only ONE Bible!" he mutters.


Christian Response

Due to the belief outlined above, it is hard to quote versus to a Moslem believer as from Jesus as they say they cannot accept he really said it.  It is interesting they take this tact, for the historicity and facts contained in the documents are clear and proven by many non-Biblical sources.  This is a sticky issue for them; one that a believer cannot win on their own in a debate.  Only the Holy Spirit can open up an Islamic heart to the true words of Jesus. 




Holding the "Douay" Roman Catholic Version of the Bible aloft in my hand, I ask, "Do YOU accept THIS Bible as the Word of God?" For reasons best known to themselves, the Catholic Truth Society have published their Version of the Bible in a very short, stumpy form. This Version is a very odd proportion of the numerous Versions in the market today. The Christian questioner is taken aback. "What Bible is that?" he asks. "Why, I thought you said that there was only ONE Bible!" I remind him. "Y-e-s," he murmurs hesitantly, "but what Version is that?" "Why, would that make any difference?" I enquire. Of course it does, and the professional preacher knows that it does. He is only bluffing with his "ONE Bible" claim.
The Roman Catholic Bible was published at Rheims in 1582, from Jerome's Latin Vulgate and reproduced at Douay in 1609. As such the RCV (Roman Catholic Version) is the oldest Version that one can still buy today. Despite its antiquity, the whole of the Protestant world, including the "cults"* condemn the RCV because it contains seven extra "books" which they contemptuously refer to as the "apocrypha" i.e. of DOUBTFUL AUTHORITY. Notwithstanding the dire warning contained in the Apocalypse, which is the last book in the RCV (renamed as "Revelation" by the Protestants), it is "revealed":
". . . If any man shall add to these things (or delete) God shall add unto him the plagues written in this Book."(Revelation 22:18-19)
But who cares! They do not really believe! The Protestants have bravely expunged seven whole books from their Book of God! The outcasts are:
The Book of Judith 
The Book of Tobias 
The Book of Baruch 
The Buck of Esther, etc.
* This disparaging title is given by the orthodox to Jehovah's Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists and a thousand other sects and denominations with whom they do not see eye to eye.


Christian Response

The paragraphs above are full of misdirects and false logic.  Lets examine the facts.  First, Catholicism is not Christianity, nor should they be confused.  Many, due to Catholic teachings, mean Catholicism when they say “Christianity”.  Due to the Catholic beliefs swerving from Biblical teaching in several key points, they printed their own version of the Bible and did add in several non-canonical books that were there to support some extra-Biblical teachings (such as purgatory and penance).  Parts of the translation have been skewed to what Catholics teach (their 10 commandments don’t quite line up with anyone else’s, for example).  As stated above, the mainline denominations, cults, sects, and Bible Christians have all veered away from this translation. 

However, this version is not really used anymore, with Catholics using the same modern translations as most other denominations.  Remember that Catholics have only started having Bibles in their homes and having English spoken in their church services in many of our lifetimes.  They are still taught that they cannot understand the Bible, only the priest, so are not encouraged to read it. 



Sir Winston Churchill has some pertinent things to say about the Authorised Version (AV) of the Protestant Bible, which is also widely known as the "King James Version (KJV)".
The Roman Catholics, believing as they do that the Protestants have mutilated the Book of God, are yet aiding and abetting the Protestant "crime" by forcing their native converts to purchase the Authorised Version (AV) of the Bible, which is the only Bible available in some 1500 languages of the lesser developed nations of the world. The Roman Catholics milk their cows, but the feeding is left to the Protestants! The overwhelming majority of Christians — both Catholics and Protestant — use the Authorised (AV) or the King James Version (KJV) as it is alternatively called.


First published, as Sir Winston says, in 1611, and then revised in 1881 (RV), and now re-revised and brought up to date as the Revised Standard Version (RSV) 1952, and now again re-re-revised in 1971 (still RSV for short). Let us see what opinion Christendom has of this most revised Bible, the RSV:-
The publishers (Collins) themselves, in their notes on the Bible at the end of their production, say on page 10: "THIS BIBLE (RSV), IS THE PRODUCT OF THIRTY-TWO SCHOLARS, ASSISTED BY AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPRESENTING FIFTY CO-OPERATING DENOMINATIONS." Why all this boasting? To make the gullible public buy their product? All these testimonies convince the purchaser that he is backing the right horse, with the purchaser little suspecting that he is being taken for a ride.


But what about the Authorised Version of the Bible (AV), the "World's Best Seller?" These Revisers, all good salesmen, have some very pretty things to say about it. However, their page iii, paragraph six of the PREFACE of the RSV reads;
Can you, dear reader, imagine a more magnificent tribute being paid to the "Book of Books" than the above? I, for one, cannot. Let the believing Christian, now steel himself for the un-kindest blow of all from his own beloved Lawyers of Religion; for in the very same breath they say:
"YET THE KING JAMES VERSION HAS GRAVE DEFECTS." And, "THAT THESE DEFECTS ARE SO MANY AND SO SERIOUS AS TO CALL FOR REVISION . . ." This is straight from the horse's mouth, i.e. the orthodox Christian scholars of "the highest eminence." Another galaxy of Doctors of Divinity are now required to produce an encyclopaedia explaining the cause of those GRAVE AND SERIOUS DEFECTS in their Holy Writ and their reasons for eliminating them.

This is a photographic reproduction from the R.S.V. 1971.


Christian Response

What is written above is quite interesting, as many who read it would accept what is says at face value without understanding the whole truth.  First, the King James Bible, or AV, is most definitely not the Revised Standard Version, or any of its variants.  It is also not the same as the New King James Version.  Neither the RSV family or newer NKJV use for their textual source Byzantine family (Received Text) used in the KJV. 

If you read the flyleaf if any new version, they always give a “good” reason for you to buy the new one, and the quotes above are no different.  There has not been a translation like the KJV since, where the world’s finest scholars sequestered themselves in purity and before God, praying over their translation and that it would be used of God.  This is a far cry from newer translations, such as the NIV, where a lesbian scholar proudly admits how she was able to change text to be more homosexual friendly (the video of her discussing this is on youtube).  Is it not easy to see with the plethora of conflicting modern versions why an outsider would believe there is more than one Bible?  Satan is masterful in tearing apart God's word.  "Yea hath God said?" is still heard today from Satan's minions.  

If a person can get past this plethora of translations, most of the versions agree on many of the same key points – none of which a Moslem will accept as God’s word, making the issue a moot point and one not worth discussing.  

This is as far as I have gotten in the book.  If there is more interest, I could push it back up to the top of projects.  You readers just let me know!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Is The Bible God's Word? Chapter 2 - The Muslims' Standpoint

All original text is quoted below, with errors left intact.  My notes are under "Christian Response" below each section.  





Whether Catholic, Protestant or a "Cultist," of the thousand -and - one - sects - and - denominations-of-Christianity, never will you find a missionary who will not, prima facie, presuppose that his potential convert accepts his "Holy Bible" as the book of final authority on every religious opinion? The only answer the prospective proselyte has is to quote verses from the Bible which are contradictory to the missionary's or debate their interpretations.

Christian Response

I find this fascinating, as this is the core response for a Christian when dealing with one of the “thousand – and – one – sects – and – denominations – of – Christianity” mentioned above quite succinctly.  Lets be clear here, the definitions contained in these responses for “Christian” is one who believes the Bible account, from cover to cover.  While all denominations, sects, and cults will say they would agree, all point to a third-party teaching or book to filter their beliefs through.  All, also, tend to have “better” interpretations to certain sayings and verses that better fit what they are teaching or are taught.  We will focus on God’s word, as filtered by the Holy Spirit. 


When the Muslim proves his point from the Christian's own Holy Scripture, and when the professional priest, parson or predikant cannot refute the arguments — the inevitable Christian evasion is — "DO YOU ACCEPT THE BIBLE AS GOD'S WORD? On the face of it, the question seems to be an easy one, but a simple "Yes" or "No" cannot be given as an answer. You see, one has first to explain one's position. But the Christian will not give one the opportunity. He gets impatient. "Answer — 'Yes or No!' " he insists. The Jews did the same to Jesus two thousand years ago, except that surprisingly he was not strait-jacketed, as is the fashion today!
The reader will readily agree that things are not always either BLACK or WHITE. Between these two extremes there are various shades of GREY. If you say "Yes" to his question, then it would mean that you are prepared to swallow everything HOOK, LINE and SINKER, from Genesis to Revelation from his Bible. If you respond with a "No" he quickly unhooks himself from the facts you have presented, and rallies support from his co-religionists in the audience with; "You see, this man does not believe in the Bible! What right has he to expound his case from our Book?" With this hydra-like somersault he rests content that he has safely evaded the issue. What is the Muballigh1to do? He has to explain his position vis-a-vis the Bible, as he ought to do.
1. MUBALLIGH: The Propagator of Islam

Christian Response

For those who study apologetics and understand both doctrine and the defense of truth, it is clearly apparent that only a novice or beginner would ever want to start with the “do you believe the Bible” question, as few today do.  While it can be a useful context in some cases, debating one of a different belief, such as Islam or Buddhism, it is not a practical question, and here you can see the Muballigh is taught to use it against the one asking. 


We Muslims have no hesitation in acknowledging that in the Bible, there are three different kinds of witnessing recognizable without any need of specialized training. These are:
1. You will be able to recognize in the Bible what may be described as "The Word of God."
2. You will also be able to discern what can be described as the "Words of a Prophet of God."
3. And you will most readily observe that the bulk of the Bible is the records of eye witnesses or ear witnesses, or people writing from hearsay. As such they are the "Words of a Historian"
You do not have to hunt for examples of these different types of evidences in the Bible. The following quotations will make the position crystal clear:
The FIRST Type:
(a) I will raise them up a prophet . . . and I will put my words in ... and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." (Deuteronomy 18:18)

Christian Response

The whole verse: “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.”  This verse refers to the coming of Christ, who in being God would speak His words and do his will. 

(b) I even, I am the Lord, and beside me there is no saviour." (Isaiah 43:11)
(c) "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the end of the earth: for I am God, and there is non else." (Isaiah 45:22)
Note the first person pronoun singular (highlighted in green) in the above references, and without any difficulty you will agree that the statements seem to have the sound of being GOD'S WORD.


Christian Response

Here the implication is these verses “seem” to have the “sound” of being God’s word.  One can read the verse and as stated above either accepting it as truth or not.  To pick and choose what verses to hold to contradicts the fact that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God”.  It does not finish out with, “except those verses thought to not be true by Moslems, JWs, Mormons, and all other religions, sects and cults.”
The SECOND Type:
(a) "Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani? . . ." (Matthew 27:46)
(b) "And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord:" (Mark 12:29)
(c) "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God." (Mark 10:18).
Even a child will be able to affirm that: Jesus "cried" Jesus "answered" and Jesus "said" are the words of the one to whom they are attributed, i.e. the WORDS OF A PROPHET OF GOD.

Christian Response

For those who are not aware, it is important to note that Muhammad taught that Jesus was a prophet of God, like Muhammad.  As such, the followers of Muhammad put full belief in what Jesus said, or that they think he said, like they do the prophets of the Old Testament.

It is also important to note that the three verses chosen above are all used by the cults and some sects to show Jesus is not God.  While these verses do not prove that, believers use them quite readily as that proof. 

The THIRD Type:
"And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he, (JESUS) came, if haply he (JESUS) might find anything thereon: and when he (JESUS) came to it, (Jesus) found nothing but leaves . . ." (Mark 11:13)
The bulk of the Bible is a witnessing of this THIRD kind. These are the words of a third person. Note the underlined pronouns. They are not the Words of God or of His prophet, but the WORDS OF A HISTORIAN.
For the Muslim it is quite easy to distinguish the above types of evidence, because he also has them in his own faith. But of the followers of the different religions, he is the most fortunate in this that his various records are contained in separate Books!
ONE: The first kind — THE WORD OF GOD — is found in a Book called The Holy Qur’an.
TWO: The second kind — THE WORDS OF THE PROPHET OF GOD, (Muhummed, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are recorded in the Books of Tradition called The Hadith.
THREE: Evidence of the third kind abounds in different volume of Islamic history, written by some of high integrity and learning, and others of lesser trustworthiness, but the Muslim advisedly keeps his Books in separate volumes!
The Muslim keeps the above three types of evidence Jealously apart, in their proper gradations of authority. He never equates them. On the other hand, the "Holy Bible" contains a motley type of literature, which composes the embarrassing kind, the sordid, and the obscene — all under the same cover — A Christian is forced to concede equal spiritual import and authority to all, and is thus unfortunate in this regard.

Christian Response

66 books written by around 40 authors over a 1,000-year time frame, with the whole of the books pointing to Jesus – that is the Christian Bible.  There is no separation of who is talking, one can sit down and read the story from cover to cover.

As pointed out, this “motley” text contains embarrassing, sordid and obscene literature.  It also contains truth, love, selflessness and miracles.  All is there for teaching.  God wants it abundantly clear that no man is perfect.  If you ever start feeling down, read about some of the Old Testament examples, then see how Hebrews 11 lifts their lives up – showing their strengths in the midst of sin, God reflecting his power and grace in the midst of pain and weakness.  Remember the Bible teaches us how to love but the Qur'an does not.  It teaches hate, not love, and they explain away this fact by stating "Allah does not need to teach love, we already understand it."

Here is the link to Chapter 3: