Friday, June 12, 2015


Increasingly I am seeing this Coexist graphic applied across the Internet as man's hope for the future.

I know those who seem to use it blindly think it is a good idea, but I also think many weak Christians see it and think it is wise.  As a result, I thought I would put together some reasons why it should not be used.  Here is what it really means:

C - this is representative of the moon god, often known as Diana or Baal.  This symbol is representative of Islam, or what they now call the moon god, Allah.  Remember their constant yell of "Allah akbar!"?  It means, "god is greatest".  They say this because their ancestors worshiped a pantheon of gods.  Muhammad chose the moon god as the one they would worship over the rest, which is why they have to constantly remind themselves and Allah who is best.  Based on their faith, they can never have peace.  There is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim, unless they have abandoned the teachings of the Qur'an, meaning they are no longer Muslim.

O - This is thought to mean peace and often attributed to Gerald Holtom as he used it for promoting nuclear disarmament.  In the early 40's it was used by Hitler as a symbol for his Panzer divisions.  However, this goes back much farther than the British signs Gerald built and Hitler's use  It is known as the witches foot as has been used over the centuries as a symbol of the weakness of the cross.  In the occult, you invert the cross to show its weakness, and break the arms to show its failure.  So, an upside down cross with broken arms to show Christ's inability to save becomes a peace symbol.  How many Christians proudly display a symbol Satan built to make fun of their very belief?  There is no peace without Christ, so the symbol is invalid.

E - Male and female, Mars and Venus.  The God of War and the Goddess of Love.  Venus is taken from Astarte, or Ishtar.  This is the goddess of what we call Easter, and is the source of the rabbits and eggs. There is speculation this could be tied all the way back to Nimrod and Babylon, but there are no hard facts.  Mars is the war god, tied to Nergal, the god of Cuth in the Bible.  Worshippers of him were clearly not afraid of God, for they abandoned their worship of the true God to run after gods from the countries they had captured.  This never ended well for them, and equating man and woman as Mars and Venus will not end well for anyone today, either.

X - The Star of David, the symbol of the Jews.  This group is targeted by the C group with extreme hatred and the C group is ordered to subjugate them or kill them.  As such, the Jews have been hunted through every time in history as Satan has tried to wipe out God's people.  They will never have peace until their Savior returns.

I - The letter I has a Pentagram with a circle around it, the symbol of Wicca. They call it a pentacle, and it symbolizes the five points in their practice - earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.  The pentagram also represents satanism, so this one letter covers both.  Interestingly wicca says they do not worship satan, but satanists laugh at that as they do know the truth, they both serve the same master.  Equating Satan with peace is far from truth, and cannot ever be hoped for.

S is the Taoist Yin/Yang symbols that have become so popular.  The overall Taoist belief is that there are two forces at play in the universe that must be balanced, the yin and the yang, in all things. This belief washed down through many Asian beliefs, including Buddhism. Interestingly, this is also the belief of many native American Indian tribes, that a war between a good and bad wolf exists within everyone.  The winner of this fight determines good or evil in their lives.  We know that sin rules all men, and the fight is for the soul.  All men are sinful, with the law of God placed in their hearts.  Man must answer the law or fight it, that is the true war.  There is no peace until this war is won by God.

T - The T is represented by the Christian cross.  Interestingly this is not the Catholic cross, for their cross still has Christ on it as they believe his sacrifice continues.  Christians believe the Bible in that Christ laid down his life once for sin, and has no need to do it over and over again each mass.  The founding fathers used Christian principle to build in American freedom.  These principles are slowly being removed, which removed freedom.  Only under these models can freedom coexist, but if any of the above groups tries to force their model, such as Islam is doing with Sharia, there is no peace or coexistence.

While this isn't as scholarly as it could have been (I didn't put quotes on much of this, but it is still researched), you should get the point that this symbol should never be used by Bible believers.  I hope those who have maybe innocently used the witches foot (peace symbol) would also use discrimination going forward and not offend the God they serve any longer.

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