Monday, October 7, 2013

Cult Mentality

I had the opportunity recently to help a friend deal with some Mormons who felt they were tired of being told they were not correct, and wished to use the Bible to settle some issues.  They referred to 1 Corinthians 15:33-42 as proof they had discovered three degrees of heaven or glory.  Having never really looked into these verses from any alternate viewpoint, I was a bit surprised at what I learned.

Since the Mormons felt these verses truly defined and proved their beliefs in multiple heavens, the following was written back to them to help them understand their beliefs better.  Their request was filled with the usual desire to be better "brothers" in the same belief and to deal in kindness as "Christians" are to.

"First, some perspective.  I am sure you are aware that Bible believers since Christ have never accepted any variance from what the Bible taught.  As such, those who follow other beliefs, in any form, the Bible tells us to correct and never to call fellow believers.  However, we are told to love them, while correcting them, so accept this in love. 

Second, a discussion about filters:  A Mormon looking at these verses sees them several ways.  They see it in light of their church teaching, the Doctrine and Covenants teaching, and the Joseph Smith mistranslation that started the belief.  I ask you to remove those filters and see it from what Paul wrote. 

Paul, Jew of the Jews, a master of the Law, took this paragraph (15:35-49), to counter those Jews who constantly told Christians there was no resurrection (in part to dissuade any belief Christ had not risen from the dead, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary).  This section is used as the logic flow from the Jew’s mindset over why we will one day have new bodies. 

Ok, lets dig in.  First, the passage as stated above we can all agree on is Paul's decidedly intellectual passage using several argumentative tools to prove that God allows for 2 things - a resurrection of our dead bodies, and a better body after death.  The actual passage is I Corinthians 15:35-49, but I agree that the warning in verse 33, "be not deceived" is appropriate.  

As verse 40 is where the perceived conflict comes in, we will discuss that.  

"There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another." (KJV)

“Also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial, and bodies telestial; but the glory of the celestial, one; and the terrestrial, another; and the telestial, another.” (JST)

As any student of Greek can tell you, Joseph Smith clearly added text to the scripture to support a non-Biblical teaching (this isn’t being mean, just factual).   As Joseph took parts of “celestial” and “terrestrial” to make "telestial", he mistakenly left out the textual evidence that should have been there to prove it belonged.  Paul carefully gives examples of the different types of bodies terrestrial (the first heaven per the Jewish beliefs) showing the differences in flesh (vs. 39), as well as the contrast between a fleshly body and heavenly “bodies” (the second heaven per Jewish beliefs).  There are no evidences of a third heaven as Joseph indicates, as the third heaven, or Paradise, was the abode of God and those who have died before.  There was no reason for Paul to give examples as there is where the resurrected bodies dwell, outside our experience. 

If one can put away the Mormon filter and read the text without pre-taught perceptions (or any foreknowledge given from the JST’s textual addition), it is a beautiful and compelling argument showing those who accept Christ as their savior to cover their sins will one day dwell in heaven with their savior, with a resurrected body.  Trying to bring any other meaning into this, adding kingdom discussions that are not there, or any other thing, lies far outside Biblical purview. "

While not my best debate, the response I didn't expect.  Truly I thought they would read, and go back and try to defend Smith's translation.  To not do so opens up all his teachings as false as they even teach a prophet must be without error.  As they cannot defend additions to the Greek, the response was to cut off all ties with my friend, and to refuse to defend their position.  

What is saddening, as like most (I believe over 90% of Americans) people they will continue to believe what they believe, despite truth or reality.  Today most people have locked themselves into false beliefs over the Bible, their food, politics, etc, and no amount of evidence can change them.  In the end it is as God said, up to prayer.  

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