Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The following are some odd thoughts that have been racing around my head for some time.  All point to the illogical thought processes of most of the world's sheeples. 

1.  Do those who suck down high fructose corn syrup laden foods/drinks do so because it is addictive, or because it reduces their mental capacity?  Either way a problem, but wonder why no one cares. 

2.  Aspartame (Nutrasweet) has formaldehyde in it.  Are people trying to save the embalmer some time or get a discount?  Either way they are racing there faster. 

3.  Why do those proclaiming to follow Christ get so caught up with what goes on in Catholicism?  It amazes me continually that those who say they believe the Bible do not understand their roots.  Those who followed Christ did not start Catholicism.  It was a move to get rid of God's leadership and move to man's.  Through the years they have killed millions of Christ's followers while claiming to be the true bride of Christ.  No "Protestant" faith has truly left their Roman cult origination. I just saw this week the premise that communism was a way for Russia to fight off the Roman church's inroads, causing the death of even more true believers. 

4.  Why would a president set up a fake national emergency and hurt people via his sequester (his idea), blame it on someone else, and then shut doors to those who wish to visit the White House due to fund shortage, at the same time sending $250 million to his Islamic buddies in Egypt. 

Well, those are a few.  Shows how odd I think, I suppose, just had to get them all down.  If you agree, shows you are not alone. 

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